Following up on the octagon theme, step inward twice via octature the circle circumscribing the original unit square, and twice more from the circle of diameter .586 framed by the facets of the first octagon introduced in step Bork2. From the smaller, one finds the following heights:
.388---baseline of the main portal lintel
.750—main molding in the central tholos niche
From the larger, one finds:
.038---baseline of the central portal area
.962---moldings on the upper lateral “windows”
1.104---baseline of the second main entablature.
Note also that the vertical dropped from the diagonal at height .962 conforms closely with the edge of the “window” and the column below on the right-hand side, and that a similar relationship can be made with the next column inward, but that the relationships differ slightly on the left side, suggesting possible confusion on the builders’ part between axes and edges, or between successive steps in the octature process, or both.